Chapter 5

5.1: About This Chapter

Engineering is the application of the principles  of mathematics and science to

the creation or modification of components, systems, and processes

(which are often referred to as a product or an artifact)

Engineers use a series of logical steps (the engineering design process)

to create such artifacts which represent a balance between

  • Quality

  • Performance

  • Cost

Connections of math and science to engineering and the need to succeed in the study

of those subjects for a professional career in engineering.

The goals and the nature of the fields of

  • Science

  • Mathematics

  • Engineering

Case History: How Math, Science, and Engineering Led to the First Pocket Radio

Regency TR-1

First Transistor Radio

The world’s first “pocket” radio.   four transistors,, weighs 12 ounces, and you could

slip it into your pocket.

more convenient than vacuum tube portable radios bigger, bulkier, and heavier than

RCA 66BX, a six-tube portable radio that weighed 3 pounds and was  in size

Transistor radio December 14, 1900,

Max Planck

German physicist Max Planck

an atom’s electrons behaved with a new theory called quantum mechanics.

Mathematical model was developed for this theory

Equation called Schrödinger’s equation.

Science and mathematics directed application in electrical devices  Bell Labs invent a

solid-state device

October 16, 1947, physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley,

applied the mathematics and science of quantum physics to semiconductors to invent

the world’s first transistor.

Could amplify a weak electronic signal 18 times over a wide range of frequencies.

They received the Nobel Prize in 1956.

AT&T Bell Labs - first transistor

The "Transistor" which was Invented By Bell Telephone Laboratories in Dec 1947,

and was one the the "Greatest" developments of the 20th century. This important

discovery and invention, was the start of the semiconductor revolution and which

lead us into the modern computer and information age. The name "Transistor" was

derived from a combination of words, which were TRANSconductance and varISTOR.

Bell Labs had filed for patent (2,524,035) on this

"Transistor" invention on June 17, 1948 and was issued a Patent on Oct 3, 1950.

Walter Brattain and John Bardeen had developed and Invented the germanium

Point-Contact Transistor, while working at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Walter Brattain had first demonstrated its "New" Transistor Invention on

Dec 23rd, 1947, for a team of Bell Labs management personnel and officials.

And Bell Labs had officially announced its "New" Transistor Invention at a Press

Conference that was held on June 30, 1948. 

William Shockley was in charge of the Semiconductor Research Department,

but his name was never put on the original "Transistor" patent.  But, William

Shockley had developed and Invented the germanium Junction Transistor and

applied for a patent shortly afterwards, which was an improvement over the

original germanium Point-Contact Transistor. Bell Labs had filed for a patent

(2,569,347) for this Junction Transistor on June 26, 1948 and was issued a

Patent on Sept 25, 1951. And Bell Labs held an official Press Conference on

July 4, 1951, for the invention of the "New" Junction Transistor.

And in 1956, all three Bell Labs scientists (William Shockley, Walter Brattain,

and John Bardeen) had won the Nobel Prize in physics, for the invention of the


Also, see my other Youtube video , which is listed below ......


World's First All-Transistor car radio - Produced by Chrysler and Philco 1955 -Car Radios

Texas Instruments processing techniques to make semiconductor material

for transistors

engineers used the design process to design, develop, and fabricate the world's

first pocket radio.

knowledge from their education on physics, mathematics, engineering science and

electrical engineering to design a small radio;

The understanding of quantum physics, and the mathematical modeling promoted the

insights on the electrical behavior of semiconducting materials.

Bell Labs searching for a solution to the well-defined problem of poor electrical

behavior of vacuum tubes that led the team to invent the transistor.

materials engineers at Texas Instruments were able to produce transistors in quantity

so that another team of electrical engineers at IDEA could design, develop, and

manufacture that first pocket radio.

What Is Engineering?

Engineering creates valued products (pocket radio).

analyzing  a need and  applying knowledge of math and science

the engineering design process to develop a solution

A knowledge of science helps the engineer understand the problem

develop approaches for solution.

Math  is used l to create mathematical models

a tool to evaluate the merit of different possible solutions.

ABET, an organization engineering programs,

Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process

to meet desired needs. It is a decision-making process , in which the basic sciences,

mathematics, and the engineering sciences are applied to convert resources

optimally to meet these stated needs.

“Engineers apply the principles of science and math to develop economical solutions to

technical problems. Their work is the link between perceived social needs and

commercial application.”

engineering use math and science throughout steps of the engineering design process.

critical to creating a high-quality solution to a need and product of the process.

high-quality product of an effective design process (is taken for granted, such as a

bridge standing for decades or centuries with no problems.

Such a situation is illustrated with the Golden Gate Bridge, which has stood for more

than seven decades since it was opened on May 27, 1937

Golden Gate Bridge

When an inferior solution comes out of a flawed design process, catastrophe may

result, and a bridge may collapse with possible loss of lives.

Such an occurrence is illustrated below by the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse

On November 11, 1940, this bridge, located at Puget Sound, Washington,

began swaying strongly in the wind and eventually broke up due to the resonance of

the bridge which twisted until it broke up.

mathematical tools available to analyze for waves and resonance of structures,

but they were not applied in the design process of the bridge.

it demonstrates the importance and need to broadly explore and utilize mathematics

and science appropriate to the engineering design problem at hand.

There have been many other disasters that occurred because of a flawed

design process. One is the consecutive crashes of two British Comet jets in 1954.

TWA 800

What Is Science?

science as a process by which humans try to understand how the natural world

works and how it came to be that way.

The branches of science most frequently used by engineers include

  • Physics

  • Chemistry

  • Biology.

undergraduate engineering programs require students to take

foundational courses in those subjects.

Although more than half of the surface of the earth is covered with water, it is

not accessible to plants, animals, or humans because of its % salt content.

Chemistry tells us that there are many ways to desalinate water.

One of the ways that water can be purified is by evaporation and condensation,

which leaves the impurities in the original water.

Freezing water the ice leaves the impurities behind in the unfrozen liquid.

Certain pore sizes of molecular membranes will allow water to diffuse through

the membrane under pressure while leaving behind larger complexes of sodium

and chlorine.

What Is Mathematics?

Math is utilized in a variety of ways within many fields of engineering.

The most crucial aspects of math within this field involve cost–benefit–risk analysis

and the use of mathematical models.

“Mathematical models may include a set of rules and instructions that specifies

precisely a series of steps to be taken, whether the steps are arithmetic, logical, or


mathematical model that fits a phenomenon over a small range of conditions ...

but it may not fit well over a wide range.”

the use of mathematical models is an invaluable aspect of the engineering

design process, as well as how these models would be applied to various steps

within this process.

engineering require an advanced knowledge of,math skills

  • algebra

  • calculus

  • geometry

  • measurements

  • tables and graphic representations of results

  • mathematical formulas

  • time lines

College Courses

UCONN Catalog

Complete a year of college math and physics (about 10 courses).

Fundamental science courses (Chemistry, Biology, Physics)

math courses (Calculus I, II, III and Differential Equations).

Minimum level required for engineers  but specific engineering disciplines

may require more.

Engineering science courses where the understandings of math and science are

directed toward broad applied science and math courses.

Circuits, Statics, Dynamics, Fluids, Materials, Thermodynamics, and Statistics.

Chemistry and differential equations used in Engineering Thermodynamics.

Science and Mathematics Courses Connected to Engineering

Engineering Science course of Fluids is typically taken by Chemical, Mechanical,

Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering students.

Principles of Fluids apply to

  • fluid flow of air for airplanes

  • flow of gasses in internal combustion engines

  •  blood flow in humans 

  • flow of chemicals in chemical processing plants

Engineering Science courses.

Physics. Physics is the science of matter and the interaction of matter. It describes and

predicts phenomena about matter, movement and forces, space and time, and other

features of the natural world.


Chemistry. Chemistry is the science of the phenomena about composition, structure, and

properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions,

especially as related to various atoms, molecules, crystals, and other aggregates

of matter.

Chemistry and Biology

Biology and Biological Sciences. Biology is the science of living organisms that describes and predicts phenomena

related to the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living

things as well as the interactions they have with each other and with the natural


Calculus. Calculus is the mathematics of change which includes the study of limits, derivatives,

integrals, and infinite series; many disciplines in engineering address problems that

must be solved by differential calculus and integral calculus.


Differential Equations. Differential equations are equations with variables that relate the values of the

function itself to its derivatives of various orders. Differential equations are used

for engineering applications where changing quantities modeled by functions and

their rates of change expressed as derivatives are known or postulated giving solutions

that are dependent on boundary conditions.

Engineering Courses Connected to Science and Mathematics

practical engineering applications to develop courses that are referred to as engineering science courses such as Thermodynamics, Circuits, and Fluids.

Engineering Science course of Fluids is typically taken by Chemical, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering students. 

Principles of Fluids apply to fluid flow of air for airplanes as well as flow of gasses in internal combustion engines while fluid flow of liquid is used to analyze blood flow in humans as well as flow of chemicals in chemical processing plants. 

Dynamics. The field of dynamics uses the knowledge of classical mechanics that is concerned with effects of forces on motion of objects. Engineers use the concepts in design of any moving parts, such as for engines, machinery and motors.

Electric Circuits. The field of circuits applies physics of electrical phenomena to the design, analysis, and simulation of linear electric circuits and measurements of their properties. The principles are used in circuit designs for wide ranging applications such as motors, cell phones, and computers.

Electric Circuit

Fluids. The subject of fluid mechanics uses physics of fluids to understand and predict the behavior of gases and liquids at rest and in motion which are referred to as fluid statics and fluid dynamics. 

Materials Science and Engineering. This subject utilizes the synthesis techniques of chemistry and the characterization tools of physics, such as the atomic force microscope, to control and characterize the properties of the structure and properties of solid materials. 

Mechanics of Solids. This subject uses concepts and knowledge of continuum mechanics emerging from physics and mathematics to understand and predict the behavior of solid matter under external actions, such as external forces, temperature changes, and displacement or strain. 

Statics. This is the engineering application of a branch of physics called Mechanics. It describes bodies which are acted upon by balanced forces and torques so that they remain at rest or in uniform motion. In statics, the bodies being studied are in equilibrium. 

Engineering Thermodynamics. This subject uses the concepts of science that deal with transfer of heat and work which are used to solve engineering problems. 

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Final assignment due Monday 4/22 before class

  Attendance is required for all classes. This will be the final assignment. No end term in this class.  Each student should prepare a prese...