
Prepare for every interview like your are taking your most important final exam

Thomas Edison (1847–1931) is generally given credit for the invention of the lightbulb in 1878. He was a prolific inventor, developing devices such as the phonograph which recorded and played back sound, and a moving picture projector; he is quoted as saying “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.” He was not a solitary inventor—he led a large research laboratory with over 30 scientists, engineers, and craftsmen. His practice of using an organized research laboratory to develop new inventions was soon adopted by many others and formed the basis of much industrial manufacturing.
Thomas Edison

Orville Wright (1871–1948) and Wilbur Wright (1867–1912) were brothers who are credited with having achieved the first powered flight. They built on the earlier work of many pioneering engineers, including Otto Lilienthal (1848–1896) and Samuel Langley (1834–1906). They owned and operated a printing press and a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio. The bicycle shop provided both funding and mechanical experience for their investigation into powered flight.

Wright Brothers II

Henry Ford (1863–1947) left home at 16 to work as an apprentice machinist in Detroit, Michigan. He was later hired by the Westinghouse Company to service steam engines, and in 1893 became the chief engineer of the Edison Illumination Company. This position provided time and money for him to begin experimenting with vehicles powered by gasoline internal combustion engines. Before 1903, he created several companies to produce and market gasoline powered automobiles, but they were not economically successful.

Henry Ford

Prepare for every interview like your are taking your most important final exam

Interview Preparations

  • Why should I hire you?
  • Summarize qualities that make you the perfect person for the job
  • Outline your answers
  • Skills relevant to the position
  • Sort and too the point
  • Answer clearly and with confidence
  • Reflect your background
  • Review job description
  • Tell them how you are the right person for the job
  • Match your skill set with each point
  • Determine their goals
  • Show that you have skills for the job
  • Articulate shared values
  • State your interest in the position
  • Be enthusiastic (Rudy)
  • Comfortable in your skills
  • Be flexible with prepared answers
  • Adapt your answers
  • Address need for skills they need
  • Meet deadlines, deliver what I promise, make my managers look good

Interview Tips

  1. Conduct research
  2. Do research on the Interviewer
  3. Review interview questions
  4. Be friendly
  5. Keep answers short and concise
  6. Utilizing body language
  7. Be prepared and organized
  8. Have a list of questions you are going to ask
  9. Sell yourself (promote, promote, promote)
  10. You are person for job and are interested

Interview Questions

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Why should we hire you
  3. What is your greatest strength
  4. What is your greatest weakness
  5. Why do you want to work here
  6. Why did you leave your last job
  7. What is your greatest accomplishment
  8. Describe a difficult work situation and what you did to overcome it
  9. Where do you see yourself  in 5 years
  10. Do you have any questions for me


  • Your network is your net worth
  • People to open doors for you
  • Support system
  • Networking can be awkward
  • Useless when done wrong
  • Kill the word networking
  • Having conversations and establishing connections
  • Relax
  • Listen before you speak
  • Speak to your why
  • Lead with your work
  • Find the shared value
  • Follow up and follow through

On line networking

  • Networking sites
  • Networking groups
  • Resume
  • Photo
  • Recommendations
  • Selectiveness
  • Consideration
  • Discretion
  • Join network groups
  • Compelling profile with photo
  • Check job postings on networking site
  • Stock pile good will
  • Be picky
  • Remind people how you know them
  • Return favors
  • Don't look desperate
  • Be careful what you post
  • 25% of hires come from employee referrals


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