Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mr. John Iacovacci Guest Speaker

Classroom blog: uconnstamfordpre.blogspot.com ENGR-100

2/7/2018, 0:54 AM

James Hsieh

1989 graduate of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He holds a
BSE in Aerospace Engineering and did advanced studies in Applied
Mechanics at the University of California, San Diego. James has spent
over 25 years working with high performance computer systems in
various capacities including Sales and Marketing, Support, Consulting,
and Development Engineering. He spent 12 years at Sun Microsystems
and an additional 5 years at Oracle after its acquisition of Sun.
James has also been an IT manager for GE and State Street Global
Advisors, and currently works for Joyent, a post-startup cloud
computing company.

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